Truth or Dare

Truth or dare, the only two option in this life.

Two opposites staring at each others.

Two eyeing each others across the table we call




Fate.. another 4 letters word

Laidlaw … a Review.

Enters Jack Laidlaw .. the depressive boozy detective. the Scotish answer to any hard boiled American detective. Gloomy, dark and authentic.

it is a raw book. Laidlaw the man who when asked a question the size of a snow ball answers back with an avalanche. The philosophical and knower of human nature. The one who gets crime and criminals.

A body of a girl is found in a park. Laidlaw and his side kick Harkness venture to solve the crime with an untraditional linear solution. They take the reader to the front room of the deceased house. the nightclubs of Glasgow. the bars… the whiskey.. the wooden panels.. the dark lighting and the underbelly of the city to find who killed the lassie.

Enjoying and amazing.

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Rain winter and gloomy nights

Winter is coming.

What a year

What a year
A year of discovery
Old and new
In a shattering world.